Hopelab Discovery

The Challenge

The tech landscape is rapidly evolving, with the metaverse and web3 redefining the social spaces in which young people carry out their online lives. Hopelab, a social innovation lab and impact investor, wanted to explore how it may influence, design, and invest in these spaces to support youth in their mental health and well-being, particularly those from BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.

Hopelab engaged with Artefact to understand the current and future state of web3 and the metaverse to uncover actionable areas of opportunity Hopelab can readily act upon.

The Outcome

We created a comprehensive set of principles and opportunity areas that informed Hopelab’s strategy aimed at influencing and activating emerging technologies in support of youth well-being. Our research with subject matter experts, youth advocates, and creators clarified what young people are experiencing online and resulted in six principles describing what youth want in a better tech future.

We led several co-design workshops with Hopelab teams to create alignment on the key opportunities for partnership with organizations at the frontlines of creating equity in digital spaces.

My Role

Research + Strategy Lead

My role included developing research materials, leading interviews & strategy development. I authored a follow up blog post highlighting the process: Gen Z and their demands for the digital future.

The Team

1 Project Lead

1 Researcher / Strategist

The Client

Hopelab. A social innovation lab and impact investor at the intersection of tech and youth mental health.